Hummus, Falafel, & Jahnun Recipes!

3 Exclusive Recipes from our time in Israel

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Happy YASSSletter Thursday Gingis!

We are here in Israel and deeply enjoying our time surrounded by close friends and family. Funny enough, we were expecting to arrive into summer weather but were greeted with rain and wind! With that being said, it has given us lots of cozy time at home and out our favorite spots to eat.

As promised, in today's addition we have a recreation of some of our favorite dishes we've eaten this week - the line up is classic and nostalgic. We've got Jahnun, a Yemenite Jewish pastry traditionally served for breakfast on Saturday morning after cooking for 12 hours on very low heat. I grew up eating this magic every weekend alongside grated tomatoes, shug, and boiled eggs. Additionally, I've recreated recipes for my favorite Falafel and Hummus.

So this week we are diving deep into the world of food served in my homeland!

  1. 🇾🇪 Jahnun (Yemenite Slow-Cooked Bread) Recipe

  2. 🧆 Falafel Recipe

  3. 🥣 Hummus Recipe

🇾🇪 Jachnun (Yemenite Slow-Cooked Bread)

This bread is very special to me. Growing up in a city which is known for its Yemenite population, I was exposed to their culture and food all the time. One of the most special memories I have from my childhood is waking up late on Saturday morning and going with my friends to get a piece of Jachnun for breakfast, always served with fresh grated tomatoes, Schug (green yemenite chutney) and hard boiled egg. This bread is prepared on friday and baked slowly on low temperature until the next morning. How long? 12-14 hours on 200F. The result is super soft caramelized rolls that just completely melt in your mouth. Give this bread a try for the weekend, you will be so happy with the result. And because you make a bunch of them, invite your lovers over to enjoy it with you.

🧆 Falafel Recipe

As we travel through Israel and taste an enormous amount of falafel, I feel the need to give you all recipe on falafel based on some of the best balls I've had in my life. Nothing like green, crispy, warm falafel balls coming together inside a beautiful homemade pita pocket showered with freshly chopped salad, and finished with schug and smooth tahini. What else do you need in life??

🥣 Hummus Recipe

I found this FASCINATING! Chickpeas date back over 10,000 years and are one of the first ever legumes to be cultivated. Add tahini (a paste made from ground sesame seeds) and lemon juice and you have yourself a hummus. There is a lot of controversy surrounding hummus as a dish and the consensus seems to be that it is a dish "claimed by all by owned by no one" in the Middle East. However, the first ever recipe for hummus dates back to Egyptian times. A recipe was found in an Egyptian cookbook that called for cold pureed chickpeas, vinegar, pickled lemon, and spices. With that being said, the recipe omits tahini - so is it actually a hummus? The questions stands. But a known fact is indeed is that hummus is a wildly delicious treat served warm in Israel, typically for lunch and requires a serious nap afterwards (LOL)!

Hope you have a weekend full of YASSS! Until next Thursday Gingis.

Love, Ben xx

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